
Social Media Monitoring

Do you know what are people saying about you online or in the media? Are you in line for a new position or appointment?

What you post on social media could have serious repercussions on your professional life. It could cost you your current job or job opportunities in the future.

According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and about 43 percent of employers use social media to check on current employees.

A proactive approach to the matter consists of monitoring your public reputation on a regular basis, and not just when you come to know about a specific event to deal with. How do you do this? The magic tools invented to solve this problem fall under the name of “social media monitoring.”

Simply put, social media monitoring allows companies to gather public online content (from blog posts to tweets, from online reviews to Facebook updates), process it, and see whether something negative or positive is being said affecting their reputation.

To learn more about how Connect Public Affairs can help protect your reputation, simply fill in the form below.