Perception Audits
How well do you know your audience?
Do you know what are people saying about you online or in the media? Are you looking to launch a potentially controversial project in a community, or a new campaign?
Before moving forward, you should take into account your key stakeholders’ perspectives and opinions by running a perception audit.
Figuring out what stakeholders understand and want to know about you forms the baseline of facts from which to build a sound public affairs strategy.
Understanding your stakeholders’ perceptions of your strengths and weaknesses, their perception of your market position, and your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses provides the foundation for your communications strategy. It also helps improve your messaging to stakeholders.
This type of consultation is not a survey, but rather a series of in-depth individual interviews to gather the views of stakeholders in confidence. A perception audit aims primarily to better understand, explore the range of perceptions people have about you and also to better understand the purpose of these perceptions. It can also be used to test ideas, strategies and messages.
To find out how a perception audit could help you get ahead, simply fill out the for below: