The Connect Public Affairs Story

The Connect Public Affairs Story

When I first started out on my own, I called my business, ‘James F Miller Research, Intelligence, Strategy’.  It was pretty straightforward.  My name combined with what I did.  It was good for a while, but I soon realized it didn’t fully reflect my skillset.  (Not to mention, it was a mouthful.) So, I became determined to find a name that communicated all that I had to offer my clients.

I thought long and hard about who I am, what I like to do and what I want to achieve.

I like being connected.

I like to connect people with each other.

I like to connect people with information.

I like to connect the dots to find patterns and trends and to find alternate approaches.

I want to connect my clients with the information, strategies and resources they need to solve their public affairs challenges.

In his book: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference,  Malcolm Gladwell points out that:

Connectors are fantastic at expanding your network. They will say things like:

“Oh, you should talk to …”
“Have you heard about…”
“Let me introduce you to …”

“They’re always able to help — or if they can’t, they know someone who can. You meet them for the first time and in 15 minutes, you’re talking with them like you’re childhood friends. They’re successful, smart and funny, with a likable touch of self-deprecation. And they’re interested in everything.”

“There is a simple way to package information that, under the right circumstances, can make it irresistible. All you have to do is find it.”

These quotes really stand out for me.  They help to define what I do and my approach to creating an information advantage for organizations to meet their strategic objectives.

In building Connect Public Affairs I integrated my communications and strategy knowledge and skills – developed through years of experience in politics and government – with my research and intelligence skills – developed through my training and participation in library, information management and intelligence – to help clarify and simplify the decision making process for my clients.

Ultimately, I chose the name Connect Public Affairs because I want to provide my clients with the information-advantage they need to achieve their goals.

“I never predict. I just look out the window and see what’s visible — but not yet seen” – Peter Drucker

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